Vítor Silva
October 2008
«Waiting for success» by Henrique Pousão
Vitor Manuel Oliveira da Silva holds a BA in Fine Arts from the Escola Superior de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (1983), and a PhD with the thesis The “Ethics and Politics of Drawing: The Theory and Practice of Drawing in the XVII century” (1999) from the Universidade do Porto (funded by JNICT, Praxis XXI program). His PhD was supervised by the Sculptor Alberto Carneiro and the Architect Manlio Brusatin. Between 2006-2007 Vítor Silva developed a Post-Doc under the title ““Childhood, Experience and History of Drawing: «Waiting for Success» by Henrique Pousão” (funded by FCT). He has been an Associate Professor at the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto since 1987. Vitor Silva has participated in several conferences, symposiums. seminars and exhibitions. He has been publishing texts on the theory, practice and teaching of drawing since 1992. Vítor Silva is the co-Editor of the Magazine PSIAX, which is dedicated to the study of drawing and the image.
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