Teresa Carneiro
Teresa Carneiro holds a Bachelor in Sculpture by the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, a Specialty in Drawing by the Massana School, Barcelona (with a merit scholarship from the same institution), a Post-Baccalaureate in Fine Arts by the Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, an MA in Drawing by the Wimbledon College of Art, London (with a scholarship from the Gulbenkian Foundation), and is currently developing a practice-based PhD in Drawing at the School of Fine Art History of Art and Cultural Studies from the University of Leeds (with a scholarship from FCT). She worked as a lecturer in Drawing at IADE, Institute of Visual Arts Design and Marketing, Portugal, and as BA dissertation Supervisor and a lecturer in ‘Advanced Drawing’ at the Leeds College of Art and Design, UK. She has presented her work in exhibitions such as Art in Action, Oxford (2008), Delineate, Patrick Studios ESA, Leeds (2007), Mark Out, Phoenix Gallery, Brighton (2007), Ten a Day, Centre for Drawing, Wimbledon (2006), Sticks, The Gallery Space, London (2002), Exactitude and Lightness, Rosenberg Gallery, Baltimore (2001). As part of her research work, she has presented papers such as The Work of Art in Drawing, Research Week, Wimbledon and Can the thinking of drawing be constituted as a subject? ESA, Leeds (2007), and participated in a curatorial project at the Tate Britain fora display of drawings to accompany the Symposium With a Single Mark: The Models and Practice of Drawing (2006). Future projects include a residency at the MEANTIME Gallery, Cheltenham, in November 2008. Teresa is co-organizer of ‘Drawing Spaces’.