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Desenho-Drawing Spaces. Text.Sound.Video.Images
Drawing as A discipline
Drawing Spaces, Lisbon, Portugal
Drawing Spaces, Lisbon, Portugal
Intercultural Drawing for European Adult Learning
Intercultural Drawing for European Adult Learning
This workshop aimed to stimulate the use of graphic diaries to produce experimental drawings using the graphic diary as a personal study tool. The aim was also to remove any expectation of producing final artistic drawings, but rather to provide oneself with the opportunity of experimenting different ways of making drawing and by turning the page, to be able to engage with a new or progressive stage of the study. Drawing as discipline to systematize knowledge aimed at providing participants with the opportunity to experiment with different methods of drawing as a discipline of a particular way of looking in sociologic research.
Drawing Spaces, Fábrica de Braço de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal.
23 September 2011, 19h00-23h00
Facilitators and Staff
Angela Luzia
Eduardo Salavisa
Teresa Carneiro
8 Female and Male adults, with an age range between 25 and 37 years old.
(This workshop was open to anyone)
This workshop was part of a project which aimed to respond to the dynamics of Drawing Spaces by presenting a series of public workshops coordinated by a variety of experts in the field of drawing. These workshops took place over a period of 2 weeks, during opening hours – from Wednesday to Saturday, from 19h to 23h – following the ‘open residency’ model. This gave the public the opportunity to daily visit and accompany the development of these experimental sessions around drawing.
These series of workshops were designed to extend the public contact with artists and with the specificity of the artist’s modes of working in their personal projects. The artists were asked to develop a workshop that maximized the interaction with the public; it was proposed to the public to participate in more than one of the workshops and to observe the diversity of the artists’ approaches. Drawing as discipline to systematize knowledge aimed at providing participants with an opportunity to experiment with different methods of drawing as a discipline of a particular way of looking in sociologic research.
This session was used to explore the graphic diary and particular ways and methods of register as tools to record field work. The aim of this workshop was to approach the use of graphic diaries as an investigative aid and complement for museum research; systematization of knowledge; field research; etc.
Graphic dairies have the advantage of being an uncompromised and continuous way of maintaining a relationship with drawing practice. Participants learned also the advantage of starting a fresh drawing every time a new page was turned, giving them the possibility of being consistent with methods and techniques in the study of a subject. The theme proposed for the workshop was also quite important as participants felt that their choice of subject was not just random, but a particular way of studying the overall socio-cultural environment at Fábrica Braço de Prata. In this way, they became more conscious about how much a chosen subject of study in a particular environment can became as much as a study of a particular way of researching and relating to the overall context where a particular subject exists.
Participants learned also about the ways in which drawing can be used as a professional registering tool using different techniques and purposes.
Facilitators learned that the involvement of the participants in the workshop activities extended the reach of the project and helped create a word-of-mouth effect where learning and doing became a shared experience between facilitators and participants. The fact that facilitators were also drawing and engaging in the proposed working methods created an environment where everyone felt their contribution was relevant while adding value to the project, and that everyone was working towards the same purpose. Facilitators also understood that by consciously involving participants in social environments made participants aware that they were telling stories about their own relations to the environments. Several possibilities of using drawing as a tool to systematize knowledge were developed and shared almost as a toolkit that opened up for new possibilities for everyone to use drawing and the graphic diary as a research tool. Therefore facilitators gain much from participant’s responses to the project.
This workshop aimed to stimulate the use of graphic diaries to produce experimental drawings using the graphic diary as a personal study tool. The aim was also to remove any expectation of producing final artistic drawings, but rather to provide oneself with the opportunity of experimenting different ways of making drawing and by turning the page, to be able to engage with a new or progressive stage of the study. Drawing as discipline to systematize knowledge aimed at providing participants with the opportunity to experiment with different methods of drawing as a discipline of a particular way of looking in sociologic research.
Drawing Spaces, Fábrica de Braço de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal.
23 September 2011, 19h00-23h00
Facilitators and Staff
Angela Luzia
Eduardo Salavisa
Teresa Carneiro
8 Female and Male adults, with an age range between 25 and 37 years old.
(This workshop was open to anyone)
This workshop was part of a project which aimed to respond to the dynamics of Drawing Spaces by presenting a series of public workshops coordinated by a variety of experts in the field of drawing. These workshops took place over a period of 2 weeks, during opening hours – from Wednesday to Saturday, from 19h to 23h – following the ‘open residency’ model. This gave the public the opportunity to daily visit and accompany the development of these experimental sessions around drawing.
These series of workshops were designed to extend the public contact with artists and with the specificity of the artist’s modes of working in their personal projects. The artists were asked to develop a workshop that maximized the interaction with the public; it was proposed to the public to participate in more than one of the workshops and to observe the diversity of the artists’ approaches. Drawing as discipline to systematize knowledge aimed at providing participants with an opportunity to experiment with different methods of drawing as a discipline of a particular way of looking in sociologic research.
This session was used to explore the graphic diary and particular ways and methods of register as tools to record field work. The aim of this workshop was to approach the use of graphic diaries as an investigative aid and complement for museum research; systematization of knowledge; field research; etc.
- At the beginning of the session, participants gathered with facilitators in a room of Drawing Spaces and examples of field drawings by geographers, anthropologists, historians, museum situations and drawings by the invited artist, Angela Luzia, were presented.
- After this introduction, facilitators and participants discussed several ways in which the study of a particular subjects could be systematized through drawing registers in graphic diaries.
- It was then proposed to the participants to use the socio-cultural spaces of Fábrica Braço the Prata to find a subject of study within that particular context to develop this activity.
- Facilitators and participants discusses different possibilities of subjects that could be found at Fábrica Braço de Prata and be used in this particular exercise.
- Ângela Luzia, an artist and historian who was invited to propose the strategies for this workshop, discussed with the participants some methods to systematize knowledge that participants could use in their studies.
- In this way, participants were given several tools to enable them to experiment with different methods of drawing as discipline of a particular way of looking in sociologic research.
- Participants were then taken to the first floor room of Fábrica Braço the Prata (just above Drawing Spaces) and started looking around for a subject of study
- Participants were free to choose subjects of their interest to participate in this activity. They chose very different subjects for their studies, such as ashtrays, the shoe wearing of the visitors of Fábrica, the position of hands and feet of the visitors, the illumination of different places and situations at the various room venues at Fábrica, windows, doors, etc.
- Participants started then to produce a sequence of drawings having in mind that the aim was to systematize the study of the objects of their choice.
- Participants were also free to choose the drawing tools for their studies, while they were advised to attempt to adequate their drawing tools to the best way of producing graphic registers of their subjects
- Throughout the session, participants and facilitators discussed informally subjects of choice, methods of drawing, ways of gathering different information about something through drawing, chosen drawing techniques, etc.
- During the workshop participants and facilitators also gathered periodically in small groups to discuss their finding. This was done in a very informal way.
- Facilitators also drew during the activity.
- At the end of the session everyone
gathered back at a room where the workshop had initiated at Drawing Spaces
to discuss their findings and share methods, working tools, subjects of
study and results.
Graphic dairies have the advantage of being an uncompromised and continuous way of maintaining a relationship with drawing practice. Participants learned also the advantage of starting a fresh drawing every time a new page was turned, giving them the possibility of being consistent with methods and techniques in the study of a subject. The theme proposed for the workshop was also quite important as participants felt that their choice of subject was not just random, but a particular way of studying the overall socio-cultural environment at Fábrica Braço de Prata. In this way, they became more conscious about how much a chosen subject of study in a particular environment can became as much as a study of a particular way of researching and relating to the overall context where a particular subject exists.
Participants learned also about the ways in which drawing can be used as a professional registering tool using different techniques and purposes.
Facilitators learned that the involvement of the participants in the workshop activities extended the reach of the project and helped create a word-of-mouth effect where learning and doing became a shared experience between facilitators and participants. The fact that facilitators were also drawing and engaging in the proposed working methods created an environment where everyone felt their contribution was relevant while adding value to the project, and that everyone was working towards the same purpose. Facilitators also understood that by consciously involving participants in social environments made participants aware that they were telling stories about their own relations to the environments. Several possibilities of using drawing as a tool to systematize knowledge were developed and shared almost as a toolkit that opened up for new possibilities for everyone to use drawing and the graphic diary as a research tool. Therefore facilitators gain much from participant’s responses to the project.