Luís Fortunato Lima
“Talk under the sun”
"The author’s intervention will consist in presenting some of his drawings and his book entitled « Drawing as a substitute for the object», which is at the moment a publication proposal.
In his drawings we meet the singularity of objects which, in their appearance, reveal the syntheses of an existence, the passage of time and, partly, an uninterested human action. The essential point of the book is to emphasise on the artist’s vision over scientific description in Archaeological drawing, bringing forward the role of drawing as a medium of reality."
“Talk under the sun”
"The author’s intervention will consist in presenting some of his drawings and his book entitled « Drawing as a substitute for the object», which is at the moment a publication proposal.
In his drawings we meet the singularity of objects which, in their appearance, reveal the syntheses of an existence, the passage of time and, partly, an uninterested human action. The essential point of the book is to emphasise on the artist’s vision over scientific description in Archaeological drawing, bringing forward the role of drawing as a medium of reality."