Marta de Menezes
Marta de Menezes, is a Portuguese artist/ researcher with a degree in Fine Arts by the University of Lisbon, and a MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture by the University of Oxford. In recent years, she has been exploring the interaction between Art and Biology, working in research laboratories to demonstrate that new biological technologies can be used as a new art medium, and prove that laboratories can become art studios. Besides researching into new ways to create art, Marta de Menezes is also an accomplished artist using traditional media, such as paintings that frequently represent insights from scientific research.
She has been Artist-in-Residence at the MRC – Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London.
Marta coordinates art experiments in laboratories with science students at the University of Iowa, US. She is also responsible for the project Ectopia – a laboratory hosting artists from different backgrounds interested in exploring the intersection of art and science. Ectopia is based and supported by the Gulbenkian Institute of Sciences, in Lisbon. Marta is a collaborator on the research project ‘Image in Science and Art’ which is coordinated at the Centre of Philosophy of Sciences, University of Lisbon.
Lucy Lyons
Lucy Lyons is a fine artist/researcher based in London. Her work explores the notion of observing and understanding the world through the activity and processes involved in making. Always drawn to the field of medical sciences, her PhD research has been concerned with understanding a specific congenital disease through the activity of drawing it. Lucy’s research outputs include co-curation of a drawing display for With a Single Mark: The Models and Practice of Drawing symposium at Tate Britain, and conference papers presented at the University of Hertfordshire’s Research into Practice and the Design Research Society international conference in Lisbon. She has published articles in The Bulletin for the Royal College of Pathologists, and Working Papers in Art & Design.
Lucy studied at Norwich School of Art and at City & Guilds of London Art School where she is a painting tutor. Recent group exhibitions include First Fold at The Jago Gallery and Ulysses at Blink Gallery and participated in Arts Unwrapped and Deptford X art events. Her solo exhibition Delineating Disease at the Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons of England is open from September 16th – December 23rd 2008.