Carla Rebelo (Lisbon, 1973)
Lives in Queluz and Works in Lisbon
Hold a degree in Sculpture, FBAUL (2000); Holds a Tapestry polytechnic degree from the Instituto de Artes e Ofícios, Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva (1992/93); Attended the Drawing Specialty Course at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (1992/94) and the technical-professional course in textiles drawing at Escola Secundária António Arroio (1989/92).
In 2010 she was awarded with a fund for ‘the support of artistic creation’ by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian through which she is now developing this project at drawing spaces; and in 1998 she was awarded the Erasmus scholarship to study at École Nationale de Beaux Arts de Bourges – Bourges, França.
Some of her most important solo exhibitions were:
O Outro Lado [The Other Side], at Paços Galeria Municipal, Torres Vedras (2010); Viagem ao interior das cidades imaginadas – Octávia [Trip to the interior of imagined cities - Octavia], at Round the Corner, Lisbon (2009); Tecemo-nos [We weave ourselves], at Capela do Teatro Taborda, Lisbon (2002); kid’s play - the house, at Galeria dos 30 Dias, Caldas da Rainha (2000); École Nationale de Beaux-Arts de Bourges – Bourges, França (1998).
Since 1994 she has been participating in several collective exhibitions, such as:
Drawing by Numbers, at Espaço Avenida, Lisbon (2009); Entre dois tempos, parte 1 [Between two times, Part 1], at Espaço Avenida, Lisbon (2009); Iniciativa X [X Initiative], at Galeria Arte Contempo, Lisbon (2008); Anonymous Drawings#9, at kunstraum Kreuzberg/Berthanier, Berlim (2008); Hans Christian Andersen 1805 – 2005, (Exposição itinerante (2005/2011); Dressing up Nature, Parque do Monteiro Mor - Museu Nacional do Traje e da Moda, Lisboa. (2004); 1st International Drawing Biennale, Melbourne, Austrália (2001); microArt - Portuguese Pavilion, Expo 2000, Hannover (2000); Alquimias dos pensamentos das Artes [Alchemy within the thinking on Arts], at Convento de São Francisco, Coimbra (2000); After-Eight, Galeria Zé dos Bois, Lisbon (1999); Quartos, chambres, zimmer, rooms, Convento de São Francisco, Lisbon (1999).
Co-comissioned several Arts projects, in which she also participated with her own artistic work: Entre dois tempos, parte 1 [Between two times, Part 1], (2009); Dressing up Nature (2004) and the project Ocupações Efémeras I,II e III [Ephemeral occupations I, II and III], (2002).
Her work is represented in the following collections: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Paiva and at Polish Art Foundation, Melbourne, Austrália.
Lives in Queluz and Works in Lisbon
Hold a degree in Sculpture, FBAUL (2000); Holds a Tapestry polytechnic degree from the Instituto de Artes e Ofícios, Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva (1992/93); Attended the Drawing Specialty Course at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (1992/94) and the technical-professional course in textiles drawing at Escola Secundária António Arroio (1989/92).
In 2010 she was awarded with a fund for ‘the support of artistic creation’ by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian through which she is now developing this project at drawing spaces; and in 1998 she was awarded the Erasmus scholarship to study at École Nationale de Beaux Arts de Bourges – Bourges, França.
Some of her most important solo exhibitions were:
O Outro Lado [The Other Side], at Paços Galeria Municipal, Torres Vedras (2010); Viagem ao interior das cidades imaginadas – Octávia [Trip to the interior of imagined cities - Octavia], at Round the Corner, Lisbon (2009); Tecemo-nos [We weave ourselves], at Capela do Teatro Taborda, Lisbon (2002); kid’s play - the house, at Galeria dos 30 Dias, Caldas da Rainha (2000); École Nationale de Beaux-Arts de Bourges – Bourges, França (1998).
Since 1994 she has been participating in several collective exhibitions, such as:
Drawing by Numbers, at Espaço Avenida, Lisbon (2009); Entre dois tempos, parte 1 [Between two times, Part 1], at Espaço Avenida, Lisbon (2009); Iniciativa X [X Initiative], at Galeria Arte Contempo, Lisbon (2008); Anonymous Drawings#9, at kunstraum Kreuzberg/Berthanier, Berlim (2008); Hans Christian Andersen 1805 – 2005, (Exposição itinerante (2005/2011); Dressing up Nature, Parque do Monteiro Mor - Museu Nacional do Traje e da Moda, Lisboa. (2004); 1st International Drawing Biennale, Melbourne, Austrália (2001); microArt - Portuguese Pavilion, Expo 2000, Hannover (2000); Alquimias dos pensamentos das Artes [Alchemy within the thinking on Arts], at Convento de São Francisco, Coimbra (2000); After-Eight, Galeria Zé dos Bois, Lisbon (1999); Quartos, chambres, zimmer, rooms, Convento de São Francisco, Lisbon (1999).
Co-comissioned several Arts projects, in which she also participated with her own artistic work: Entre dois tempos, parte 1 [Between two times, Part 1], (2009); Dressing up Nature (2004) and the project Ocupações Efémeras I,II e III [Ephemeral occupations I, II and III], (2002).
Her work is represented in the following collections: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Paiva and at Polish Art Foundation, Melbourne, Austrália.