September 2009
16 September – 3 October (from 19h to 23h) - Drawing Spaces, Fábrica Braço de Prata
Drawings dictated in the dark and other works
16 and 25 September (from 20h to 22h) - Carlos Nogueira dictated a series of instructions to a group of participants that served as coordinates for the ‘blind’ drawings which were executed in room totally isolated from any kind of light. The public was invited to follow these sessions during the indicated schedule.
26 September, 21H - Opening/Presentation of the project with Teresa Carneiro and Carlos Nogueira.
Drawings dictated in the dark and other works
16 and 25 September (from 20h to 22h) - Carlos Nogueira dictated a series of instructions to a group of participants that served as coordinates for the ‘blind’ drawings which were executed in room totally isolated from any kind of light. The public was invited to follow these sessions during the indicated schedule.
26 September, 21H - Opening/Presentation of the project with Teresa Carneiro and Carlos Nogueira.