March 2009
5 March, 7 – 8 pm, Plenary Session, Visconti Room, Fábrica Braço de Prata
Refusing and accepting disappearance – drawing as a multiplicity of moments, Teresa Carneiro
Graphic Diaries, Perspicacity and Neutrality in Daily Drawing (presentation of the project in residency)
6th Drawing Lesson: Unofficial War Art, Jill Gibbon
Why do we draw? Clive Dilnot (in the context of the launching of the book The Smooth Guide to Travel Drawing, Um Suave Guia para o Desenho em Viagem by Eduardo Côrte-Real)
12 March, 7 – 8 pm, Roundtable Discussion, Visconti Room, Fábrica Braço de Prata
Graphic Diaries and Scientific Knowledge, with Pedro Salgado, Guida Casella, Olga Pombo and Pedro Fernandes. Moderator: Ana Teresa Bígio
19 March, 7 – 8 pm, Roundtable Discussion, Visconti Room, Fábrica Braço de Prata
Graphic Diaries and Technical and Artistic Knowledge, with Mário Bismark, José Salavisa, Pedro Neves and João Catarino. Moderator: Eduardo Côrte Real
8, 15 and 22 March, 4 – 7 pm, Drawing on Sundays, Facilities of Fábrica Braço de Prata
The public is invited to participate in drawing sessions using their own graphic diaries. These activities will be accompanied by drawing tutors from IADE. (The public is asked to bring their own sketchbooks, graphic diaries and drawing materials)
8 March: Zé João (IADE)
15 March: João Palla (IADE)
22 March: Eduardo Côrte-Real (IADE)
(FREE, no need booking)
26 March, 9 pm, Talk, Drawing Spaces
Writing/Spaces, António Pedro (delivered in the context of the exhibition Writing/Spaces with works by final year students from FBAUL. Organized as part of the series ‘work in progress’)