Drawing Spaces Academy
Drawing Spaces Academy is a project integrated within the activities of Drawing Spaces. It offers a variety of courses and workshops with the aim of exploring different approaches to drawing.
Draw in Meditation
Open to all, this courses aims to increase our consciousness about our surrounding world by associating observation and contemplation to the act of drawing. The activity of drawing will therefore serve to increase our capacity to understand the world, not only at a visual level, but also at a conceptual and physical level. Throughout this program we will explore different techniques of classical methods of drawing associated to various modes of meditation. Recurring to these two processes of contemplation which have been traditionally separated – drawing and meditation – the aim is to explore various sensible fields, while blurring the limits between what it means to make a drawing and to live drawing.
3 hours x 8 sessions, Mondays, 4pm – 7pm. Total: 24h.
Individual Sessions (3h): €21. Full Course: €155
18 May - 6 July
Tutor: Susana Chasse
Drawing the drawing of graphic novels I and II
Open to all, this course aims to explore different materials and techniques used in Graphic Novel through an applied study of methods used by contemporary authors. Besides the graphic potential of each method, this program will also explore drawing as a narrative process. Throughout the sessions the student will be introduced to six contrasting examples of techniques and graphic approaches to the drawing of the graphic novel.
Drawing the drawing of Graphic Novels I
3 hours x 8 sessions, Mondays, 7.30 pm – 10.30 pm. Total: 24h.
Individual Sessions: €21. Full Course: €155
18 May - 6 July
Drawing the drawing of Graphic Novels II
10 hours x 2 double sessions, 2 weekends, Saturday and Sunday, 10.30am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 4.30pm. Total: 20h.
Individual Sessions (5h): €40. Weekend Session (10h): €75 2 weekends (20h): €135.
6 /7 June, 4 /5 July
Tutor: Luís Gomes
Cognitive strategies as an approach through drawing
Open to all, this course aims to explore creative modes of representation through drawing and processes of knowledge that are particular to this visual language. These sessions will promote the development of a sensible consciousness to the relations between intentionality and expressiveness when producing particular graphic marks. This will hopefully result on the acquisition of a stronger capacity and curiosity for experimentation through drawing.
12 hours x 1 double session, 1 weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 10.30am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 5.30pm. Total: 12h.
Full Course: €85
18/19 July
Tutor: Richard Camara
Drawing Laboratories I and II (for children and young people)
These laboratories aim to help develop technical and expressive capacities through drawing, through experimentation and familiarization with different graphic potentials of this artistic medium. The sessions will be developed through various practical exercises, using more and less conventional materials, techniques and methods of drawing in a creative mode. This program aims to stimulate the autonomous act of drawing, by allying creative skills to graphic knowledge through a means of expression which is more direct and accessible.
Drawing Laboratory I: Experimentation
Open to children aged 8 to 12
3 hours x 8 sessions, Wednesdays, 3 pm – 6 pm. Total: 24h.
Individual Sessions (3h): €17.50. Full Course (24h): €110
21 April - 7 July.
Drawing Laboratory II: Technique and experimentation
Open to children aged 13 to 17
10 hours x 3 double sessions, 3 weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, 10.30am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 4.30pm. Total: 30h.
Individual Sessions (5h): €35. Weekend Session (10h): €60. Full Course (30h): €160.
23/24 May, 13/14 June, 11/12July
Tutors: Filipa Burgo, Inês Teles
Drawing with ink I and II
Open to all, this course aims to explore drawing with ink in all its variants and possibilites (brush, pen, marker, nib, cane, etc.). Using a series of different exercises, this will help to explore various approaches to monochromatic drawing, in its diarist, oniric, representational and rigorous ramifications. These exercises will extend from the field of artistic drawing to projectual drawing, touching also illustration and graphic novel. The close proximity between this type of drawing and reproducibility (book, journals, prints, etc.) will also be explored throughout these sessions. Together with this, key authors from Art History will be discussed regarding their pertinence to these approaches. The main aim is to articulate and potentiate the graphic capacities of each one through a drawing practice which is both playful and intense.
Drawing with Ink I
2.30h x 8 sessions, Tuesdays, 8.30pm – 11pm. Total 20h.
Individual Session: €18. Full Course: €110
19 May - 7 July
Drawing with Ink II
12h x 1 double session, 1 weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 10.30am - 1.30pm and 2.30pm to 5.30h. Total: 12h.
1 day session (6h): €50. Weekend session (12h): €85
20/21 June
Tutor: Daniel Melim
Collective Drawing
Open to all, these workshops open up to the possibility of generating a drawing as a confluence of two or more wills, articulating operative rules (agreements between the participants) and individual creative freedom. Contextualized within the tutor’s own research, these workshops will serve to question: what does freedom mean when it deals with fulfilling someone else’s desire? Is it possible to give more consideration to the qualities and necessities of a drawing that is unfolding between us at this moment, than the fact that it satisfies me personally? Which authors practice or have practiced this mode of producing images collectivelly? When a drawing asks for a future, does it ask everyone for the same? Is it possible that a shared visual creation unfolds throughout a temporality which is simultaneously demanding and involving?
6h x 2 sessions, 2 Saturdays, 10.30am – 1.30pm and 2.30pm – 5.30pm. Total: 12h.
One Saturday (6h): €50. Two Saturdays (12h): €85
30 May and 27 June
Tutor: Daniel Melim
Drawing nature in the city
Open to all, these workshops will respond to the areas surrounding the Fábrica Braço de Prata, by exploring and taking advantage of all kinds of vegetal presences through drawing: trees, herbs, roots, plants that have grown in graffiti areas, window plants (vases), neighborhood allotments, etc. A graphic work will be developed from these elements – observation, annotation, registering, re-elaboration, re-creation at the studio, development of personal work. These workshops will be supported by a continuous reflection on the theme of nature in art, particularly in its interaction with the urban and human universe.
3h x 2 sessions, 2 Sundays, 10.30 – 1.30pm. Total 6h.
Individual Session: €21, Two Sessions: €40
31 May and 28 June
Tutor: Daniel Melim
Enrollment and Information
Booking dates: 25 Abril - 27 May 2009
[email protected]
Contact number: 937501080
A detailed description of the full program for each course will be distributed on the first session of each course/workshop.